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- zadajte priezvisko a meno, napr. GOMBITOVA MARIKA, alebo AC/DC


Century Media (Sony Music)


77 Bright Gloom

Hard`n Heavy
Hard Rock
Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH
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Since ’77 are true enthusiasts of rock it is no surprise that “Bright Gloom” is the hardrock album that you would expect from the quartet surrounding the brothers Armand (lead singer/rhythm guitar) and LG (lead guitar/backing vocals) Valeta. “This time we didn’t want to overthink and just play what comes natural to us”, explains LG. An approach that created two contrasting vibes on the album: a darker and a brighter atmosphere. “As we wanted to emphasize the concept of duality we came up with the album title, ‘Bright Gloom’.” The album was recorded live onto tape in Brazil Studios in Madrid between November and December of 2017 with the well-known Spanish producer Raül Refree and Javier Ortiz as engineer assistant. “We mixed it from the 24track tape onto a 2 track tape with analogue gear such as compressors, EQs, tape delays and spring and plate reverbs. The analogue orgy really goes all the way, as the mastering by Alex Psaroudakis was done from a 1/4 inch tape onto a 1/2 inch tape and the vinyl master from the 1/2 inch tape straight into the lacquer.” Their new bassist Dani Martin shares the same passion: “He is a 70s freak, too, he is a very easy going guy who loves music and gear.”

Detailný popis:

Bright Gloom

1. Bread & Circus
2. Hands Up
3. Who's Fighting Who
4. Be Crucified
5. Where Have They Gone
6. It's Near
7. You Better Watch Out
8. Fooled By Love
9. Last Chance
10. I Want My Money Back
11. Make Up Your Mind

Eshop s hudbou z celého sveta

Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky hudobných nosičov z celého sveta na nosičoch od CD, cez DVD. až po blu-ray. V ponuke nájdete určite aj vášho obľúbeného interpréta, alebo skupinu. Nech už sa jedná o rockovú hudbu, pop, vážnu hudbu, operu, muzikály, soundtracky a filmovú hudbu, slovenskú a českú hudbu, alebo relaxačnú hudbu.  Hudobné kategórie dopĺňajú aj štýly ako glam rock, punk rock, reggae, rap a hip hop. Jednou z najviac zásobených hudobných kategírií je hard rock a heavy metal.  

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