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ACE OF BASE All That She Wants: The Classic Collection

Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH
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Ace of Base are one of the most successful pop groups who ruled the charts in the 1990s, producing inescapable pop singles, including 12 UK top 40 hits. Hits include: #1 worldwide chart toppers ‘All That She Wants’ and ‘The Sign’ alongside ‘Don’t Turn Around’, ‘Life Is A Flower’, ‘Cruel Summer’ and ‘Beautiful Life’.

Edsel presents Ace of Base ‘ All That She Wants: The Classic Collection ’ to celebrate the group's 30th anniversary. This 11 CD + DVD career spanning box set featuring the classic albums: ‘Happy Nation’, ‘The Bridge’, ‘Flowers’ and ‘Da Capo’, plus the rarities and out takes compilation ‘Hidden Gems’.

Each album is presented with extensive bonus material, including classic and previously unreleased remixes from such legendary names as David Morales, Aswad, Todd Terry, Junior Vasquez, Frankie Knuckles and Metro.

The bonus disc ‘Edge of Heaven’ presents previously unavailable versions of this shelved 1996 single, plus a selection of new and revisited mixes including ‘Always Have, Always Will’, remixed for the very first time by Matt Pop. This disc also features a live recording of Jonas, Jenny, Linn and Ulf's first ever performance together in their hometown of Gothenburg in August 1990, made available here exclusively exactly 30 years on.

The DVD contains all the group's original promo videos, plus sought after bonus footage.

The 12 discs contain 195 audio tracks plus 26 videos, and are presented in a deluxe box set. The individual albums all boast replica original artwork and printed inner sleeves, with ‘Happy Nation’, ‘The Bridge’, ‘Flowers’ and ‘Hidden Gems’ in fold out gatefold wallets. The 52 page colour booklet contains brand new sleeve notes, colour photos, lyrics and illustrated discography.

Detailný popis:

Track Listing:
(CD 1) Happy Nation

All That She Wants
Don't Turn Around
Young And Proud
The Sign
Living In Danger
Voulez-vous Danser
Happy Nation
Hear Me Calling
Waiting For Magic [Total Remix 7”]
Fashion Party
Wheel Of Fortune
Dancer In A Daydream
My Mind [Mindless Mix]
Münchhausen (Just Chaos)
Dimension Of Depth
Wheel Of Fortune [12” Mix]
All That She Wants [12” Version]
Happy Nation [12” Version]
The Sign [Long Version]

(CD 2) Happy Nation

Don't Turn Around [12” Aswad Mix]
Living In Danger [D-house Mix (Long Version)]
Wheel Of Fortune [Club Mix]
Waiting For Magic [Original Version]
Happy Nation [Gold Zone Club Mix]
Living In Danger [Lenny B's Dangerous House Mix]
All That She Wants [Madness Version]
Waiting For Magic [Total Remix 12”]
Living In Danger [Hurley's Deephouse Dub]
The Sign [The Remix]
Don't Turn Around [Turned Out Eurodub]
Living In Danger [Morales House Dub]

(CD 3) The Bridge

Beautiful Life
Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry
Lucky Love
Edge Of Heaven
Strange Ways
Perfect World
Angel Eyes
Whispers In Blindness
My Déjà Vu
You And I
Wave Wet Sand
Que Sera
Just 'n Image
Experience Pearls
Blooming 18
Lucky Love [Acoustic Version]
Beautiful Life [12” Extended Version]
Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry [Long Version]
Lucky Love [Extended Original Version]

(CD 4) The Bridge

Beautiful Life [Junior's Retro 12” Mix]
Lucky Love [Frankie Knuckles Classic Club Mix]
Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry [Turbine Mix]
Beautiful Life [The Euro-vogue Mix]
Lucky Love [Lenny B's Full-a-love Mix]
Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry [Lenny B's Total Reconstruction]
Beautiful Life [Vission Lorimer Anthem Mix]
Lucky Love [Todd Terry Mix]
Beautiful Life [Junior's Hard As H Mix]
Lucky Love [Franktified Dub Mix]
Beautiful Life [Uno Clio Dub]

(CD 5) Flowers

Life Is A Flower
Always Have, Always Will
Cruel Summer
Travel To Romantis
Adventures In Paradise
Dr. Sun
He Decides
I Pray
Tokyo Girl
Don't Go Away
Captain Nemo
Everytime It Rains
C'est La Vie (Always 21)
Hallo Hallo
Love In December
Whenever You're Near Me
Cruel Summer [Big Bonus Mix]
Cecilia [Ole Evenrude Radio Mix]
Everytime It Rains [Metro Radio Mix]

(CD 6) Flowers

Donnie [Ole Evenrude Version]
He Decides [Charles Fisher Mix]
Travel To Romantis [Love To Infinity Mix]
Hallo Hallo [Radio Version]
Love In December [Alternative Disco Version]
Cruel Summer [With Alliage Extended Mix]
C'est La Vie (Always 21) [Skeewiff's Full Biffter]
Life Is A Flower [Extended Version]
Travel To Romantis [Josef Larossi Mix]
Everytime It Rains [Metro Club Mix]
Hallo Hallo [Hitvision Radio Edit]
Whenever You're Near Me [Nikolas & Sibley Dance Mix]
C'est La Vie (Always 21) [Shaft Club Mix]
Cruel Summer [Hartmann & Langhoff Club Mix]
Everytime It Rains [Karmadelic Club Mix]

(CD 7) Flowers

Hallo Hallo [Alternative Version]
Travel To Romantis [Wolf Mix]
Life Is A Flower [Sweetbox Remix] [Aka Sweetbox Mix 1]
Cruel Summer [Garage Mix Extended]
Cecilia [In Da Nite]
C'est La Vie (Always 21) [Sleazesisters Anthem Mix]
Everytime It Rains [That Kid Chris 2000 Club Mix]
Whenever You're Near Me [Giuseppe D's Extended Remix]
Hallo Hallo [Xtm Full Remix]
Travel To Romantis [Love To Infinity Indian Tonic Mix]
Cruel Summer [Hani Num Club Mix]
Life Is A Flower [Milk Uht Radio Mix]
C'est La Vie (Always 21) [Tuff Twins Mix]

(CD 8) Da Capo

Beautiful Morning
Remember The Words
Da Capo
World Down Under
Ordinary Day
Wonderful Life
Show Me Love
What's The Name Of The Game
Change With The Light
Hey Darling
The Juvenile
Beautiful Morning [Alternative Version]
Da Capo [Alternative Version]
Change With The Light [Alternative Version]
Hey Darling [Alternative Mix]
Beautiful Morning [Groove Radio Edit]
Unspeakable [Junk & Function M
Club Mix]
Hey Darling [Bells Version]
Beautiful Morning [Spanish Fly Club Version]
Unspeakable [Fairlite Dub Mix]

(CD 9) Hidden Gems

Would You Believe
Go Go Go
Into The Night Of Blue
Don't Stop
Make My Day
Mercy, Mercy
No Good Lover
Summer Days
Giving It Up [20
Come To Me
Prime Time
Look Around Me
Pole Position
Sunset In Southern California
Moment Of Magic
Mr. Ace
Kings And Queens
Love For Sale
Would You Believe [Alternative Version]
Cuba Cuba Libre
Giving It Up [Ace Version]

(CD 10) Hidden Gems

Girl In The Line
Love In The Ghetto
Stranger To Love
Memories Forever
At The Borderline (Moogoperator 2)
Kyrie Eleison
Angel Of Love
Stay With Me
For A Thousand Days
All Temptations
She Was Thinking Of You
The Challenge
Bad Dad
The Wizard
Close To You
Funk Funk
Reality (In Black And White)
Wish You Were Mine
Couldn't Care Less
Stranger To Love [Original Version]
Giving It Up [1999 Version]
Moment Of Magic [Alternative Version]

(CD 11) Edge Of Heaven

Edge Of Heaven [Monte X 2 Ballad Re-mix]
Edge Of Heaven [Radiant Silverbullet Mix]
Edge Of Heaven [Stonestream – On The Edge]
All That She Wants [Moombahteam Remix]
Always Have, Always Will [Matt Pop 2020 Remix]
Beautiful Life [Mike Ross Definitive Club Mix]
Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry [Singlewave Remix]
Cruel Summer [Niv Cohen Remix]
All That She Wants [The Distance & Riddick Remix]
The Sign [Freedom Bunch Mix]
Lucky Love 2009
Don't Turn Around 2009
Wheel Of Fortune 2009 [Club Mix]
Peepshow [Live In Gothenburg, 1990]
Sunshine [Live In Gothenburg, 1990]
Vamos A La Playa/Don't You Want Me? [Live In Gothenburg, 1990]
Scotch/P. Lion Medley [Live In Gothenburg, 1990]


Wheel Of Fortune [Video]
All That She Wants [Video]
Happy Nation [Video]
The Sign [Video]
Don't Turn Around [Video]
Living In Danger [Video]
Lucky Love [Video]
Beautiful Life [Video]
Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry [Video]
Life Is A Flower [Video]
Cruel Summer [Video]
Travel To Romantis [Video]
Always Have, Always Will [Video]
C'est La Vie (Always 21) [Video]
Beautiful Morning [Video]
Unspeakable [Video]
Lucky Love [U.S. Version] [Bonus Video]
Cruel Summer [Bonus Video]
Happy Nation [Moody Gold Mix] [Bonus Video]
Don't Turn Around [The Aswad Mix] [Bonus Video]
Living In Danger [D-house Mix] [Bonus Video]
Lucky Love [Acoustic Version] [Bonus Video]
Beautiful Life [Alternative Version] [Bonus Video]
Cruel Summer [Big Bonus Mix] [Bonus Video]
Would You Believe [Bonus Video]
Hear Me Calling [Photo Gallery] [Bonus Video]

Eshop s hudbou z celého sveta

Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky hudobných nosičov z celého sveta na nosičoch od CD, cez DVD. až po blu-ray. V ponuke nájdete určite aj vášho obľúbeného interpréta, alebo skupinu. Nech už sa jedná o rockovú hudbu, pop, vážnu hudbu, operu, muzikály, soundtracky a filmovú hudbu, slovenskú a českú hudbu, alebo relaxačnú hudbu.  Hudobné kategórie dopĺňajú aj štýly ako glam rock, punk rock, reggae, rap a hip hop. Jednou z najviac zásobených hudobných kategírií je hard rock a heavy metal.  

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