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Music On Vinyl


SCREAMING TREES Uncle Anesthesia

Dodacia lehota
30 dní
Cena s DPH
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After releasing three albums with Greg Ginn's underground label SST, Screaming Trees broke through in 1991 with Uncle Anesthesia on major label Epic. The band, fronted by Mark Lanegan (who would go on to collaborate solo with band members of Nirvana, Queens Of The Stone Age, Guns 'N Roses and Foo Fighters) is known for its raw psychedelic, whiskey voiced garage rock. This harder edge set the band apart from Seattle grunge contemporaries Alice In Chains and Soundgarden, gaining a loyal fanbase in the process. Uncle Anesthesia is produced by Chris Cornell (Soundgarden, Audioslave) and metal producer Terry Date, known for his recordings of Pantera, Prong, Overkill and White Zombie. Uncle Anesthesia is a essential addition to the Music On Vinyl catalog of Screaming Trees albums!

Detailný popis:

Screaming Trees
Uncle Anesthesia

1. Beyond This Horizon
2. Bed of Roses
3. Uncle Anesthesia
4. Story of Her Fate
5. Caught Between
6. Lay Your Head Down
7. Before We Arise
8. Something About Today
9. Alice Said
10. Time For Light
11. Disappearing
12. Ocean of Confusion
13. Closer

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