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Mute Artists Ltd (Goodtogo)


SWANS White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity / Love Of Life (+CD)

Dodacia lehota
15 dní
Cena s DPH


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Detailný popis:

Tracklist :

VINYL 1. White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity (1991)

1. Better Than You
2. Power and Sacrifice
3. You Know Nothing
4. Song for Dead Time
5. Will We Survive
6. Love Will Save You
7. Faliure
8. Song for the Sun
9. Miracle of Love
10. When She Breathes
11. Why Are We Alive
12. The Most Unfortunate Lie

Michael Gira – vocals, acoustic guitar, keyboards, effects, samples
Jarboe - keyboards, choral and orchestral arrangements
Christoph Hahn - guitar / Cliton Steele - guitar
Norman Westberg - guitar / Jenny Wade – bass
Anton Fier – drums, drum programming
Nicky Skopelitis - guitar, baglama, bazouki, banjo
Vincent Signorelli – percussion / Hahn Rowe – violin
Steve Burgh – mandolin, 12-string guitar

VINYL 2. Love Of Life (1992)

1. (---) Pt. 1
2. Love of Life
3. The Golden Boy That Was Swallowed by the Sea
4. (---) Pt. 2
5. (---) Pt. 3
6. The Other Side of the World
7. Her
8. The Sound of Freedom
9. (---) Pt. 4
10. Amnesia
11. Identity
12. (---) Pt. 5
13. In the Eyes of Nature
14. She Cries (For Spider)
15. God Loves America
16. (---) Pt. 6
17. No Cure for the Lonely

Michael Gira – vocals, guitar, acoustic guitar, samples
Jarboe – vocals, keyboards, backing vocals, mellotron
Clinton Steele – guitar, acoustic guitar
Algis Kizys – bass guitar
Vincent Signorelli – drums / Jenny Wade – bass
Ted Parsons – drums / Troy Gregory – bass guitar
Larry Seven – bass guitar, guitar

DISC I. White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity (1991)

1. Better Than You
2. Power and Sacrifice
3. You Know Nothing
4. Song for Dead Time
5. Will We Survive
6. Love Will Save You
7. Faliure
8. Song for the Sun
9. Miracle of Love
10. Blind
11. When She Breathes
12. Why Are We Alive
13. The Most Unfortunate Lie

Michael Gira – vocals, acoustic guitar, keyboards, effects, samples
Jarboe - keyboards, choral and orchestral arrangements
Christoph Hahn - guitar / Cliton Steele - guitar
Norman Westberg - guitar / Jenny Wade – bass
Anton Fier – drums, drum programming
Nicky Skopelitis - guitar, baglama, bazouki, banjo
Vincent Signorelli – percussion / Hahn Rowe – violin
Steve Burgh – mandolin, 12-string guitar

DISC II. Love Of Life (1992)

1. (---) Pt. 1
2. Love of Life
3. The Golden Boy That Was Swallowed by the Sea
4. (---) Pt. 2
5. (---) Pt. 3
6. The Other Side of the World
7. Her
8. The Sound of Freedom
9. (---) Pt. 4
10. Amnesia
11. Identity
12. (---) Pt. 5
13. In the Eyes of Nature
14. She Cries (For Spider)
15. God Loves America
16. (---) Pt. 6
17. No Cure for the Lonely

Michael Gira – vocals, guitar, acoustic guitar, samples
Jarboe – vocals, keyboards, backing vocals, mellotron
Clinton Steele – guitar, acoustic guitar
Algis Kizys – bass guitar
Vincent Signorelli – drums / Jenny Wade – bass
Ted Parsons – drums / Troy Gregory – bass guitar
Larry Seven – bass guitar, guitar

1. Amnesia (Long)
2. Song for Dead Time (MG Version)
3. You Know Everything
4. Mother s Milk
5. The Child s Right
6. Love of Life (Short)
7. Unfortunate Lie (Inst. Version)
8. No Cruel Angel
9. Black Eyed Dog
10. Love of Life (Long)
11. Picture of Maryanne
12. Amnesia (Live)
13. Dream Dream
14. Please Remember Me
15. Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes
16. The Unknown
17. Blood on Your Hands
18. A Young Girl Needs

Eshop s hudbou z celého sveta

Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky hudobných nosičov z celého sveta na nosičoch od CD, cez DVD. až po blu-ray. V ponuke nájdete určite aj vášho obľúbeného interpréta, alebo skupinu. Nech už sa jedná o rockovú hudbu, pop, vážnu hudbu, operu, muzikály, soundtracky a filmovú hudbu, slovenskú a českú hudbu, alebo relaxačnú hudbu.  Hudobné kategórie dopĺňajú aj štýly ako glam rock, punk rock, reggae, rap a hip hop. Jednou z najviac zásobených hudobných kategírií je hard rock a heavy metal.  

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