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ADAMS BRYAN Live At the Royal Albert Hall 2024 (Limited Box-Set / 4 LPs, 1 Blu-ray Disc, 1 Book)

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25 dní
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Bryan Adams is set to release his highly anticipated second "Live at the Royal Albert Hall" box set, featuring complete performances of three of his iconic albums:

*Reckless*, *18 'Til I Die*, and *So Happy It Hurts*. Scheduled for release on November 15, 2024, this collection captures the energy of three sold-out concerts held at the historic London venue in May 2024.

The box sets will include a total of 36 songs across 4 LPs,
complemented by a Blu-Ray disc containing all three concert films and a 32-page photo book filled with exclusive images from the performances.

Each film is directed by Grammy Award-winning filmmaker Dick Carruthers, known for his exceptional work in concert cinematography.

Adams expressed his excitement, stating, “I love the RAH, there’s something magical about the place, I can imagine we’ll be playing there for years to come.”

Detailný popis:

**Vinyl Box Set** - BadRec002-Vbx
- 36 songs across 4 LPs (with one side of
*Reckless* featuring an etching) each housed
in a spined outer sleeve, and with inner
-Blu-Ray disc with Stereo, 5.1 Surround, and
Dolby Atmos audio
-32-page photo book
-Bellyband and shrink-wrap

A1. One Night Love Affair (Reckless 40Th Anniversary)
A2. Somebody (Reckless 40Th Anniversary)
A3. Reckless (Reckless 40Th Anniversary)
A4. Run To You (Reckless 40Th Anniversary)
B1. Kids Wanna Rock (Reckless 40Th Anniversary)
B2. Heaven (Reckless 40Th Anniversary)
B3. Let Me Down Easy (Reckless 40Th Anniversary)
B4. She's Only Happy When She's Dancin' (Reckless 40Th Anniversary)
C1. It's Only Love (Reckless 40Th Anniversary)
C2. Long Gone (Reckless 40Th Anniversary)
C3. Ain't Gonna Cry (Reckless 40Th Anniversary)
C4. Summer Of 69 (Reckless 40Th Anniversary)
E1. 18 Til I Die (18 Til I Die)
E2. Do To You (18 Til I Die)
E3. Let's Make A Night To Remember (18 Til I Die)
E4. (I Wanna Be) Your Underwear (18 Til I Die)
E5. Star (18 Til I Die)
E6. It Ain't A Party - If You Can't Come 'Round (18 Til I Die)
F1 You're Still Beautiful To Me (18 Til I Die)
F2. I'll Always Be Right There (18 Til I Die)
F3. We're Gonna Win (18 Til I Die)
F4. I Think About You (18 Til I Die)
F5. Only Thing That Looks Good On Me Is You (18 Til I Die)
F6. Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman? (18 Til I Die)
G1. Kick Ass (So Happy It Hurts)
G2. On The Road (So Happy It Hurts)
G3. Just About Gone (So Happy It Hurts)
G4. Let's Do This (So Happy It Hurts)
G5. Just Like Me, Just Like You (So Happy It Hurts)
G6. I've Been Looking For You (So Happy It Hurts)
G7. Never Gonna Rain (So Happy It Hurts)
H1. You Lift Me Up (So Happy It Hurts)
H2. Always Have, Always Will (So Happy It Hurts)
H3. I Ain't Worth Shit Without You (So Happy It Hurts)
H4. So Happy It Hurts (So Happy It Hurts)
H5. These Are The Moments That Make Up My Life (So Happy It Hurts)

Eshop s hudbou z celého sveta

Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky hudobných nosičov z celého sveta na nosičoch od CD, cez DVD. až po blu-ray. V ponuke nájdete určite aj vášho obľúbeného interpréta, alebo skupinu. Nech už sa jedná o rockovú hudbu, pop, vážnu hudbu, operu, muzikály, soundtracky a filmovú hudbu, slovenskú a českú hudbu, alebo relaxačnú hudbu.  Hudobné kategórie dopĺňajú aj štýly ako glam rock, punk rock, reggae, rap a hip hop. Jednou z najviac zásobených hudobných kategírií je hard rock a heavy metal.  

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