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ALPHATAURUS 2084: Viaggio Nel Nulla (180g, High Quality)

Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH
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The comeback of the Milanese band Alphataurus can only have the status of a big event among fans of Italian progressive rock, thanks mainly to the indelible mark left several decades ago with their 1973 eponymous masterpiece, but also to the beautiful and more recent “AttoSecondo” (2012). One of the band’s recent line-ups has also released a live album (“Live in Bloom”, 2012) and one of rarities (“Prime Numbers”, 2014). After ten years of absence then, filled with a long series of live appearances, Alphataurus once again knocks on the doors of prog-rockers with a brand new album, whose long recording process unfortunately ended with the departure of founder guitarist Guido Wassermann.“2084: Viaggio nel Nulla” (2084: Journey into Nowhere) is a 100% Alphataurus record, starting from its beautiful and futuristic three-panel cover illustrated by the band’s new drummer, recalling the paintings of the magnificent debut album. Musically, the sound is more modern and catchy, but also delivers a complex and ever interesting song construction, as shown in the long tracks “Pista 6” and “Wormhole”. As the title suggests, “2084: Viaggio nel Nulla” is a dystopian, sci-fi concept full of philosophical and existential insights.

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