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Cherry Red Records


ANDERSON IAN A. Please Re-Adjust Your Time - the Early Blues & Psych-Folk Years 1967-1972

Blues & Psych-Folk
Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH
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• First-ever box set documenting all of Ian A. Anderson’s seminal early albums – including lots of rare material.

• Curated and supported by the artist, ‘Please Re-Adjust Your Time’ captures an exciting time in British roots music.

• From gutsy acoustic blues to ground-breaking acid folk, the music sounds as vital today as it did half a century ago.

Ian A Anderson is an English folk musician who was a luminary of the late 1960s country blues scene before becoming one of the pioneers of psychedelic/acid folk and founding the now collectable “alternative folk label” Village Thing in the early 1970s.

First issued in 1969, ‘Stereo Death Breakdown’ was credited to Ian Anderson’s Country Blues Band, a moniker which hinted at the music therein. Eleven bonus tracks are drawn from Saydisc EPs (‘Anderson Jones Jackson’, from 1967 and ‘Almost The Country Blues’, 1968) and Saydisc Matchbox albums (‘Blues Like Showers Of Rain’, from 1968 and ‘The Inverted World’, 1969).

The self-produced ‘Royal York Crescent’ (1970) album was Ian’s first on his new Village Thing label. Here it’s joined by three extra recordings from 1969, live at Farnham Folk And Blues Festival and from sessions at Chapel Studios, London.

Recorded at Rockfield Studios, ‘A Vulture Is Not A Bird You Can Trust’ (1971) is now swelled with a quartet of additional sides, again from a studio tenure in Chapel Studios back in 1969.

The fourth and final disc is devoted to Ian’s final Village Thing album, ‘Singer Sleeps On As Blaze Rages’ (1972) which is joined by four extra songs, including three previously unreleased – the Hot Vultures’ demos recorded at Village Thing, Bristol, 1973.

Subsequently, alongside his music career, Ian was founding editor of the popular folk magazine fRoots and a broadcaster who has presented shows on BBC Radio 2, BBC World Service and Jazz FM. Ian currently presents Podwireless – a monthly podcast dedicated to the world of f

Detailný popis:

Anderson, Ian A.
Please Re-Adjust Your Time - the Early Blues & Psych-Folk Years 1967-1972

- 1 -
1. Get In That Swing
2. Little Boy Blue
3. (My Babe She Ain't Nothing But a Doggone) Crazy Fool Mumble
4. New Lonesome Day
5. Short Haired Woman Blues
6. Hot Times
7. Stereo Death Breakdown
8. When I Get To Thinking
9. Way Up On Your Tree
10. Break 'Em Down
11. That's Alright
12. Baby Bye You Bye
13. Put It In a Frame
14. Stop and Listen
15. Louise
16. Cottonfield Blues
17. Big Road Blues
18. Tom Rushen Blues
19. Friday Evening Blues
20. Rowdy Blues
21. West Country Blues
22. Don't You Want To Go
23. The Inverted World
- 2 -
1. That's No Way To Get Along
2. Please Readjust Your Time
3. Goblets & Elms
4. Shining Grey
5. The Worm
6. Hero
7. Silent Night No.2
8. Mr Cornelius
9. The Maker/ the Man In the High Castle / the Last Conjuring
10. Ginger Man
11. Working Man
12. Get Back Into Town (Live)
13. Sleepy Lynne
14. Internal Combustion Rag
- 3 -
1. One More Chance
2. Black Uncle Remus
3. Policeman's Ball
4. Edges
5. The Survivor
6. Well Alright
7. Time is Ripe
8. Wishing the World Away
9. One Too Many Mornings
10. Number 61
11. Book of Changes
12. Anthem (You Can Go On Forever)
13. Mouse Hunt
14. Galactic Wings (and Other Tales)
- 4 -
1. Hey Space Pilot
2. Marie Celeste On Down
3. Spider John
4. A Sign of the Times
5. Paper and Smoke
6. Paint It, Black
7. Pretty Peggyo
8. The Western Wind
9. Out On the Side
10. Shirley Temple Meets Hawkwind
11. Baby Let Me Dance With You
12. Dan Scaggs
13. London Blues
14. You Can't Judge a Book By the Cover

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