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BUG CLUB Rare Birds

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25 dní
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After a live album (of new, one-off tracks) and an EP to get the year started at a leisurely pace, The Bug Club cap off 2023 with their second full-length album - an hour-and-a-bit long double LP called Rare Birds: Hour of Song. Now then, what could you possibly have to say that takes two records to spit out? Pay attention to this and learn. It's The Bug Club's Hex Enduction Hour. South Wales' Double Nickels On The Dime. It's The Faust Cycle for people with shorter attention spans. Their eighth release since joining forces with Bingo Records in 2020, 'Rare Birds...' is a culmination of a year spent relentlessly touring. But it's not one of those hackneyed road records. It's about birds, to an extent. Well, it is, and it isn't. And it is 47-songs long, featuring 23 Cutler-esque spoken-word tracks that weave through the music telling a surreal story to accompany the band’s usual witty, taut garage rock. Oh, and it comes with a fully illustrated, 32-page book. Vocalist and guitarist Sam Willmett attempts to explain: “All the songs were written in our summer holiday lull before we went away to tour (debut album) Green Dream in F♯ last year. Then we picked the lucky winners to go on the album when we got home around Christmas. “We just wrote every day we were home, mostly in the garden. That’s probably why it's vaguely about birds. All the songs are in the order they were written apart from the last two which we swapped around. I only actually remember writing one song, ‘Passionflower, Paperbacks and Woodlice’, which came about as I was sat by a passionflower when a woodlouse crawled over my paperback. I thought it looked and sounded nice. We wrote the wordy bits in one hit around the songs once the record was nearly done. One big story. We think the record is like a fall asleep relaxation tape with the cartoon ‘burd’ narrating and guiding you.” Need to know more? Spare us an hour and four minutes. That's what we're asking of you here. It's a big ask, these days. But if you do, you'll find yourself entrenched in an immersive world of The Bug Club. The other records - with the sardonic and surreal, the riffs and the obsession with outer space - were a run up. With Rare Birds... Sam, Tilly and Dan have created an expansive environment in which we can all bask in a cocktail of garage rock, poetry, nonsense, wordplay, sentimentality and fuck-offs. Ivor Cutler's come round to play with Gordon Gano and Kimya Dawson in a semi-detached in Caldicot. Genre: Indie / Garage Rock

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Track Listings

Disc: 1
1 Burds Wurds - My First Lie
2 Samuel Was Beautiful Tonight
3 Burds Wurds - For Feeling
4 I Will Feel the Same
5 Burds Wurds - Tomorrow's Triangle
6 Undone
7 Burds Wurds - I Think We'll Go With This
8 Fully Clothed
9 Burds Wurds - The Key
10 Marriage
11 Burds Wurds - Shut My Beak
12 Four Sisters
13 Burds Wurds - What's Your Sweet Cereal?
14 Is This the Music You Like?
15 Can Ya Change a Thing Like This?
16 Burds Wurds - Hot Emptiness
17 We Can't All Play Saxophones
18 Burds Wurds - Big Gold Medallion
19 Short and Round
20 Burds Wurds - Louder Than Normal Ha Ha Ha
21 Passionflower, Paperbacks and Woodlice
22 Burds Wurds - The Pantry Flap
23 Blues Magicians

Disc: 2
1 Burds Wurds - The Big Frog
2 Strawberry Season
3 Burds Wurds - It's Lovely
4 Do It All Again
5 Burds Wurds - Really Nice
6 Drown Me Out
7 Burds Wurds - Twelve Surnames
8 One Big Heavy Person
9 Burds Wurds - More of a Pretty Turkish Bookmark
10 Mister Do You Have the Time for Sittin'?
11 Burds Wurds - Fish Tongue
12 In My Hour of Song
13 The Loudest Violin
14 Burds Wurds - Now We Can Move On
15 Antique Heirlooms
16 Burds Wurds - Cubed Up!
17 Cheap Linen
18 Burds Wurds - Something Small
19 Rare Birds
20 Burds Wurds - Ready for Living
21 Three Brians
22 Burds Wurds - From One Rare Bird
23 Wide Awake Forever
24 Burds Wurds - This Story's End

Eshop s hudbou z celého sveta

Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky hudobných nosičov z celého sveta na nosičoch od CD, cez DVD. až po blu-ray. V ponuke nájdete určite aj vášho obľúbeného interpréta, alebo skupinu. Nech už sa jedná o rockovú hudbu, pop, vážnu hudbu, operu, muzikály, soundtracky a filmovú hudbu, slovenskú a českú hudbu, alebo relaxačnú hudbu.  Hudobné kategórie dopĺňajú aj štýly ako glam rock, punk rock, reggae, rap a hip hop. Jednou z najviac zásobených hudobných kategírií je hard rock a heavy metal.  

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