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Music On Vinyl


CAMEO Collected (180gr./Gatefold/Ft. "Word Up!"/First 1000 Cps On Red Vinyl)

Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH


The American soul-influenced funk group Cameo released their first album in 1977, but it took almost 10 years before they finally hit the world stage by releasing Word Up! The single by the same name became a massive worldwide hit. During the years they released several successful albums and songs, now finally brought together on the Cameo Collected 2LP.

Cameo started out with 14 members as the New York City Players in 1974. The first years they were known for their deep funk sound, but soon their songs were played all over the dancefloor. Their first hits "I Just Want To Be" and "Find My Way" also made it to the dance charts. More than 10 years after their formation they reached the top of their popularity by releasing singles such as “Candy”, "Back and Forth", and their biggest hit “Word Up!”. They were always ahead of their time and influenced the younger generation of Hip-Hip and R&B acts. Their presence continued to be felt in the 2000s. In 2019 they returned to the stage by releasing their first single in 19 years, "El Passo".

Detailný popis:

Je nám ľúto, ale titul bol bohužiaľ kvôli ukončeniu vydavateľských práv vydavateľom vyradený z distribúcie.


- 1 -
1. Find My Way
2. Rigor Mortis
3. Funk Funk
4. Insane
5. I Just Want To Be
6. Sparkle
7. We're Goin' Out Tonight
8. Shake Your Pants
9. Keep It Hot
10. Freaky Dancin'
11. Just Be Yourself
12. Flirt
13. Style

- 2 -
1. She's Strange
2. Talkin' Out the Side of Your Neck
3. Attack Me With Your Love
4. Single Life
5. Word Up!
6. Candy
7. Back and Forth
8. She's Mine
9. You Make Me Work
10. Skin I'm In
11. I Want It Now
12. Money

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