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Mercury (BRT)


DEXYS MIDNIGHT RUNNERS Too-Rye-Ay, As It Should Have Sounded (40th Anniversary Remix)

Dodacia lehota
15 dní
Cena s DPH
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To tie in with the 40th anniversary of the multi-platinum selling album, we present ‘Too-Rye-Ay, as it should have sounded’. Kevin Rowland was never happy with the final mix of the album, despite its huge commercial success. So with Helen O’Hara, and Pete Schwier they decided to mix it again. In recent interviews Kevin has stated… “The songs and performances are great, but I always felt the mixes could be better. It’s my most successful album, but it doesn’t sound as good as the others” “This is the director’s cut and it’s how it should have sounded…” The album’s cover has also been re-modelled, using the preferred image from the Come On Eileen single sleeve.

• The album is best known for the multi-million selling single Come On Eileen – a number one hit around the globe including the US and UK. This perennial favourite includes the refrain that inspired the album’s title. It also features the hit singles – Show Me, Liars A to E, The Celtic Soul Brothers, Jackie Wilson Said • The deluxe sets also include non-album B-sides – Soon, …And Yes We Must Remain The Wildhearted Outsiders, Love (Part 2), Dubious and non-album single Let’s Get This Straight From The Start

Detailný popis:

Rowland, Kevin & Dexys Midnight Runners
Too-Rye-Ay, As It Should Have Sounded

1. The Celtic Soul Brothers
2. Let's Make This Precious
3. All In All (This One Last Wild Waltz)
4. Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)
5. Old
6. Plan B
7. I'll Show You
8. Liars a To E
9. Until I Believe In My Soul
10. Come On Eileen

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