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Music On Vinyl


DILEMMA Random Acts of Liberation (180gr/Gatefold/4p Booklet/First 750 Cps Coloured)

Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH


The Dutch-British melodic/progressive rock group Dilemma has risen from the ashes like a phoenix! The band performed for the last time in April 2012 and then silently disappeared into oblivion. Behind the scenes, however, the quintet was busy working on a new studio album: Random Acts Of Liberation. The album is mixed by Rich Mouser (Spock's Beard, Transatlantic, Neal Morse). Founder and keyboard player Robin Z is still a pivot in the team. The same applies for drummer Collin Leijenaar (Kayak, Neal Morse, Dave Bainbridge, Affector), who signed for the production of the album. The current band is completed by the British guitarist/singer/foreman Declan 'Dec' Burke (Frost *, Audioplastik, Darwin's Radio), guitarist Paul Crezee and bass player Erik van der Vlis.

The first responses from the scene are very promising. For example, Mike Portnoy (Sons Of Apollo/Neal Morse Band/Flying Colors/ex-Dream Theater) says: "The new album by Dilemma is some very tasty 'modern prog' ala new Spock's, Frost, Flying Colors, Steven Wilson and Haken. Awesome drumming by Collin Leijenaar and loving the melodic edge Dec Burke brings to the band!". Arjen Lucassen (Ayreon/Star One/The Gentle Storm/ Vengeance) finally: Listened to the album during my jog time. Wow… it's really great, the first song immediately gave me wings, I instantly ran faster. Good guitar riffs, very special. I also think Dec Burke's vocals sounds really nice. The music is a mixture of prog and pop and is well written, played and recorded. I must say that Collin's drums sound super, and also played very well! The whole production and mix is great, very transparent."

Random Acts Of Liberation is available as a limited edition of 750 Individually numbered copies on white coloured vinyl. The package includes a 4-page booklet.

Detailný popis:

Je nám ľúto, ale titul bol bohužiaľ kvôli ukončeniu vydavateľských práv vydavateľom vyradený z distribúcie.


Side A
1. The Space Between The Waves
2. Amsterdam (This City)
3. Aether
4. All That Matters
Side B
1. The Inner Darkness
2. Dear Brian
3. Prodigal Son
Side C
1. Pseudocomaphobia
2. Spiral II
3. Openly
4. Intervals
Side D
1. Play With Sand
2. Wonder (Not Of My Own)
3. The Mist Of Vale

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