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Long Branch Records (MST)


EXPLORING BIRDSONG Dancing In the Face of Danger

Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH
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A beautifully curious blend of pop-sensibility, delicacy, experimentation and heaviness. Piano led, guitar-less trio Exploring Birdsong are paving their own musical path with their latest record Dancing in the Face of Danger. Their acclaimed 2019 debut EP The Thing With Feathers caught the eyes of key players in the UK press (Prog magazine, Kerrang! Magazine, Classic Rock Magazine) and achieved two Progressive Music Awards nominations in the same year. Dancing in the Face of Danger, recorded and mixed at Northstone Studios, Bridgend, builds on the musical foundations of The Thing With Feathers. The five track EP has an evolutionary growth; synthesizers and a live string section add texture and gravity to the piano led core, and whilst the record isn’t conventionally conceptual, lyrically, the band describe each track as ‘having its own tale to tell’. A constant, however, is the mesmerising voice of singer Lynsey Ward. Powerful, vulnerable, controlled, and emotionally captivating, her vocals are at the heart of the band’s ability to straddle the boundaries between genres. Whilst the band refuse to be pigeon-holed to one genre, they evoke elements of Agent Fresco, Kate Bush, Everything Everything, Sleep Token and Karnivool. "What's remarkable is how such a new band have both hit upon and fully delivered on their genuinely idiosyncratic vision so early on." Kerrang Magazine"

Detailný popis:

Exploring Birdsong
Dancing In the Face of Danger

1. Pyre
2. The Way Down
3. Bear the Weight
4. Ever the Optimist
5. No Longer We Lie

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