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FRIPP ROBERT Exposure (High Quality)

Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH
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Recorded at the Record Plant in New York, Exposure was originally conceived as part of a trilogy alongside Daryl Hall’s Sacred Songs & Peter Gabriel’s 2nd solo album (both Fripp produced). Exposure was delayed from its scheduled 1978 release date by RCA’s postponement of the release of the Hall album (that remained unissued until 1980) & Hall’s then manager’s insistence that some of his vocals be removed from the album. When the album finally appeared in 1979, its mixture of songs, singers, instrumentals, snatches of speech, audio-vérité sound collages – all linked by an autobiographical/diary approach - presented a very different musician from that of the initial King Crimson period 1969-74. The new 2 LP edition consists of the original 1979 release on LP1, while LP2 presents the 2006 third edition on vinyl for the first time. This is essentially, a version of the 1983 remix/1985 reissue with the inclusion of the 3 formerly unreleased Daryl Hall vocal tracks.

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