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Long Branch Records


OUR OCEANS While Time Disappears

Progressive Alternative Rock
Dodacia lehota
20 dní
Cena s DPH
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Our Oceans’ inventive progressive rock centres on haunting vocal melodies that carry heartfelt cries of longing, anger and despair. Bolstered by lyrical fretless bass lines, vigorous drum beats and captivating guitar riffs, Our Oceans lace singer/songwriter influences with modern, progressive rock elements. Mindful musicianship and introspective lyrics are woven into a deeply melancholic, yet uniquely expansive musical universe. Our Oceans is a band from The Netherlands, formed by singer & guitarist Tymon Kruidenier (Cynic, Exivious). Joining him on bass and drums are his former Exivious colleagues, Robin Zielhorst (Cynic, Onegodless) and Yuma van Eekelen (Quadvium, Pestilence). On their new album, ‘While Time Disappears’, the power trio explores new sonic ground. Their masterful songwriting is precise and direct, while their performances have become increasingly dynamic and powerful. The emotional urgency of the songs tugs at the heart strings in a way that is raw and unexplored. By being more concise, the songs act as vehicles to deliver powerful lyrical themes revolving around heartbreak, confrontation, and overcoming hardship; gracing Our Oceans’ music with a deeply poignant yet personal atmosphere.

Detailný popis:

Our Oceans
While Time Disappears

1. Unravel
2. Weeping Lead
3. The Hearts Whisper
4. Motherly Flame
5. Passing By
6. Face Them
7. Your Night, My Dawn
8. You Take
9. With Hands Torn Open

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