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Warner Music Uk Ltd


PRETENDERS Pretenders II (High Quality, Remastered)

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25 dní
Cena s DPH
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In 1981, Pretenders followed up their massive eponymous debut album with Pretenders II. The last album with Pretenders’ original line-up, the band continued the tremendous form of their debut album. This pressing of Pretenders features 2018 remastered audio by the album’s original producer, Chris Thomas, and is on vinyl for the first time. Following their debut album, Pretenders released two singles in the UK, Talk Of The Town and Message Of Love before Pretenders II arrived, with the former reaching #8 and the latter #11 in the UK singles charts. The appetite in the US maintained too, with Pretenders releasing an EP in the interim named “Extended Play”, containing five tracks that would later be on the Pretenders II album. With a clamouring for more Pretenders material, Pretenders II was released on 15th August 1981 to great fanfare. The album would end up peaking #7 in the UK, and #10 in the US, being certified Silver and Gold respectively in the process. Further highlights of the album include another cover of The Kinks, in the form of I Go To Sleep.

Detailný popis:

Pretenders Ii

A1 The Adultress
A2 Bad Boys Get Spanked
A3 Message Of Love
A4 I Go To Sleep
A5 Birds Of Paradise
A6 Talk Of The Town
B1 Pack It Up
B2 Waste Not Want Not
B3 Day After Day
B4 Jealous Dogs
B5 The English Roses
B6 Louie Louie

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