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QUASI When the Going Gets Dark (Gold Metallic Vinyl)

Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH
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When the Going Gets Dark was tracked in a local Portland studio called Audible Alchemy. Our hope was that without the stresses and logistical difficulties of being musicians and engineers simultaneously, we would be liberated enough to propel our playing to a new level. This did in fact happen. Our takes were some of the most daring and expansive of our career. We captured sounds that were powerful, unrepeatable, and unmistakably psychedelic. Images began to emerge, centered on dreams, memories, and defiance, and it seemed our record was coming together. But problems and frustrations with the studio slowed us down, and by mix down, the sessions came to a halt. We let sleeping dogs lie for a while, and then I had the bright idea to call Dave Fridmann, the genius who produced The Woods for my other band SLEATER-KINNEY. He agreed to take the tapes to his studio in Fredonia, NY (Tarbox Road Studios). It was like winning the lottery. He understood the intensity and beautiful chaos we had captured. He made the mixes powerful and unpredictable. He enhanced the swirling, layered, psyche feel, and I swear, sprinkled fairy dust on our record. I am proud of this music. Most of the bands that started when Quasi did are broken up or playing reunion shows. Tastes have changed, and fans have moved onto other things. But in the end, it's the indescribable, soulful connection between Sam and me that compels us to continue writing and recording our songs. When the Going Gets Dark proves that all the blood, sweat and tears were worthwhile. Janet Weiss, drummer. Also Available From Quasi: Sword of God CD. ...this is a soaring power surge of an album...The sound is extreme jazzpunk, with chaotic keyboards, violent drums and discordant vocals. It's moody and loud, but focused and inspirational. Guardian UK, 2006 // Weiss is a remarkable, unpredictable drummer, and the pair play perfectly together, having reached the point at which improvisation becomes the result of an intuitive locking of creative minds. Pitchfork, 2006. //

Detailný popis:

Track Listings

1 Alice The Goon
2 The Rhino
3 When The Going Gets Dark
4 I Don't Know You Anymore
5 Peace and Love
6 Beyond the Sky
7 Presto Change-O
8 Poverty Sucks
9 Merry X-Mas
10 Death Culture Blues
11 Invisible Star

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