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RED RED MEAT Bunny Gets Paid (Violet & Orange Vinyl)

Dodacia lehota
15 dní
Cena s DPH
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Chicago rock ensemble Red Red Meat hit hard with 1995’s Bunny Gets Paid. Arguably the band’s most complete album, the record pairs Stones-indebted blues-rock roots with beautiful songs, sounding miles removed from the era’s grunge and radio-friendly alternative rock tropes. Recorded at Idful Studios in Chicago’s Wicker Park by producer Brad Wood (Smashing Pumpkins, Liz Phair, Tortoise), Bunny Gets Paid finds Red Red Meat’s core members, Tim Rutilli, Brian Deck, Ben Massarella, and Tim Hurley, straddling the line between their most accessible set of songs and a desire to explore a kind of “alternate fidelity,” employing layers of distortion, natural reverb, and room ambience. “At the time, I felt like we’d made a classic rock record,” Rutilli says. “I was like, ‘This is our Astral Weeks.’” But listening back 20 years later, Rutilli recognizes the band’s ambition, a desire to break songs down to their barest, most primitive elements to “see what survives.”

Detailný popis:

Red Red Meat
Bunny Gets Paid

- 1 -
1. Carpet of Horses
2. Chain Chain Chain
3. Rosewood, Wax, Voltz + Glitter
4. Buttered
5. Gauze
6. Idiot Son
7. Variations On Nadia's Theme
8. Oxtail
9. Sad Cadillac

- 2 -
1. Taxidermy Blues In Reverse
2. There's Always Tomorrow
3. Mouse-Ish (Dub Mix)
4. Gun
5. Words
6. Chain Chain Chain (4-Track Demo)
7. Idiot Son (Cleversley Version)
8. Carpet of Horses (Cleversley Version)
9. Saint Anthony's Jawbone
10. Wishing (If I Had a Photograph of You)

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