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Music On Vinyl


SCHULZE KLAUS Dark Side Of The Moog Vol.1 (180gr. / Insert / First Time On Vinyl)

Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH


In the 1990s the collaboration between influential German artists Klaus Schulze and Pete Namlook led to the famous The Dark Side of the Moog series. The first album Wish You Were There is based on the Pink Floyd title "Wish You Were Here". It's an hour-long journey into space territory with a mixture of modern and classic electronic music. Droning sounds flying all around, before the different parts are kicking in. The futuristic music marked them down as true innovators and it's another great trip through their musical world.

The pioneering German music composer Klaus Schulze created over 60 albums during his career which started back in 1969. Pete Namlook is another German composer which played a big part in the way electronic

Detailný popis:

Je nám ľúto, ale titul bol bohužiaľ kvôli ukončeniu vydavateľských práv vydavateľom vyradený z distribúcie.


Side A
1. Part I
2. Part II
Side B
1. Part III
2. Part IV
3. Part V
Side C
1. Part VI
2. Part VII
3. Part VIII
Side D
1. Part IX
2. Part X

Eshop s hudbou z celého sveta

Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky hudobných nosičov z celého sveta na nosičoch od CD, cez DVD. až po blu-ray. V ponuke nájdete určite aj vášho obľúbeného interpréta, alebo skupinu. Nech už sa jedná o rockovú hudbu, pop, vážnu hudbu, operu, muzikály, soundtracky a filmovú hudbu, slovenskú a českú hudbu, alebo relaxačnú hudbu.  Hudobné kategórie dopĺňajú aj štýly ako glam rock, punk rock, reggae, rap a hip hop. Jednou z najviac zásobených hudobných kategírií je hard rock a heavy metal.  

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0,00 €


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