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A Colourful Storm


SCYTHE X'change

Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH
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Head X’Change is the new album by Scythe, a long-distance collaborative project of David West and R.A. Jones.

Double-Sided Insert + Postcard.

For fans of Cluster, Craig Leon, Pete Namlook, space travel...

First appearing on two cloak-and-dagger cassettes distributed by Low Company in 2019 and 20, Scythe’s “expertly modulated space blues and isolationist architectures” betrayed a uniquely sleep-deprived, DIY take on kosmische atmospheres, where brittle, decaying synthesiser loops found solace in endless trails of feedback and reverb.

X’Change was recorded with modest instrumentation but grand ambition, recounting a journey, a memory... of leaving earth, a loved one, a body. Lifting off from tense, unnerving Tennessee, an ode is made to Genevieve, for perhaps the last time. Landing in eerily familiar valleys and amongst the lunar debris of Dawngarden and Superwillow, marvelling back at Earth inflicts a feeling of tininess and innocence, captured in the stargazing blues of Embryo. The titular track then marks a sudden inward trajectory and shift in mood: cool winds and amorphous bursts of black and deep blue emanate from fissures, ominously foreshadowing tunnelling paranoia. "Mark, Ring Me" is a distant plea for human contact... but it may all be too late, for the aching psychedelia For Iris grieves alone into the abyss.

Tracklist: A1. Tennessee A2. Genevieve A3. Dawngarden A4. Superwillow A5. Embryo B1. Head X’Change B2. Mark, Ring Me B3. Cyclone B4. For Iris

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