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AFM Records


SERIOUS BLACK Rise of Akhenaton (Digipak Edition) - Novinka

Hard`n Heavy
Power Metal
Dodacia lehota
20 dní
Cena s DPH
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Ten years SERIOUS BLACK, ten years of melodic Power Metal, with the license to create anthems: Since their founding in 2014 the band enthuses their fans not only with five studio albums by now but also at concerts and festival appearances around the globe. The decadal birthday SERIOUS BLACK celebrates now, releasing their latest output: On September 27th, 2024, "Rise Of Akhenaton", their meanwhile 6th full length album, will be released via AFM Records. At that time the band will be on tour throughout Europe, with Sonata Arctica and Firewind. Until then, to shorten the waiting time, SERIOUS BLACK will publish three singles, including video clips, starting end of May with the uptempo track "Metalized". With its powerful guitar riffing, the dynamic base of drum and bass and the hymn like catchy tunes this song unites all the band’s excellences.

Not only "Metalized", but any of the eleven tracks on the new album show that SERIOUS BLACK stylistically went back to their roots, but at the same time, due to the modern production by Lochert und Bob Katsionis, "Rise Of Akhenaton" sounds more diversified than ever. The interim focus on progressive directives has now changed to more catchy arrangements. Anno 2024, straight, classic Power Metal - the style the band once got to be known for - reigns again. „The return to what characterized us once, was already indicated on "Vengeance Is Mine" “, Lochert explains the natural evolution of the band and adds: „Since his joining three years ago our singer Nikola Mijic has turned out to be a real jewel for us. Because of his expressive voice and his intuitive feeling for great melodies the songs got more clarity and a more direct pace.“

Next to others, Lochert talks about "We Are The Storm", a song about the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, in which it says: „We are the storm, we bring the pain, part of the army where the chaos reigns.“
Also "Take Your Life" - absolutely capable to sing along - and the catchy "Shields Of Glory" with its chorus, reminding of Rainbow, document the musical enhancements of the band. Another tradition in the history of SERIOUS BLACK is marked by the sentimental ballade "When I´m Gone", and the oriental title track ties in with "Akhenaton", from the debut album "As Daylight Breaks", 2015.
Last but not least: The cover song "I Will Remember" (originally by Toto), which is dedicated to Mario’s father who died recently, has a special meaning to Mario Lochert: „The track stands for the great things we reached and experienced as a band, that will be remembered forever, if we once lose sight of each other - for whatever reason.“
Until then, many years may pass by! The chart ranking of #16 in Germany for "Vengeance Is Mine" SERIOUS BLACK took as inducement and raised with "Rise of Akhenaton" in every sense.

Detailný popis:


1. Open Your Eyes
2. We Are the Storm
3. Silent Angel
4. Take Your Life
5. Shields of Glory
6. When I'm Gone
7. United
8. Rise of Akhenaton
9. Virtual Reality
10. I Will Remember
11. Metalized

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