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Afm Records (BRT)


THUNDERMOTHER Black and Gold (Limited Gold Vinyl)

Dodacia lehota
20 dní
Cena s DPH
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All-female hard rock act THUNDERMOTHER is one of the most successful acts of their genre in recent years, whose 2020 album "Heat Wave" has achieved numerous impressive chart entries all over Europe. Not even the Corona pandemic could completely slow the band down, so they played concerts from the roof of a fire truck and used any other opportunity to perform live. THUNDERMOTHER were born for the stage, their energetic shows have to be seen. Power, attitude and a fine hand for great melodies made them climb the ladder towards Rock Olympus step by step. Their new album, "Black And Gold", released on 19.08.2022, now sees the band around charismatic frontwoman Guernica Mancini light up a true fireworks of hits. The first single "Watch Out" already sent the appropriate message: Attention, here are THUNDERMOTHER and "Black And Gold" is their masterpiece!

Detailný popis:

Black and Gold

1. The Light In the Sky
2. Black and Gold
3. Raise Your Hands
4. Hot Mess
5. Wasted
6. Watch Out
7. I Don't Know You
8. All Looks No Hooks
9. Loud and Free
10. Try With Love
11. Stratosphere
12. Borrowed Time

Eshop s hudbou z celého sveta

Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky hudobných nosičov z celého sveta na nosičoch od CD, cez DVD. až po blu-ray. V ponuke nájdete určite aj vášho obľúbeného interpréta, alebo skupinu. Nech už sa jedná o rockovú hudbu, pop, vážnu hudbu, operu, muzikály, soundtracky a filmovú hudbu, slovenskú a českú hudbu, alebo relaxačnú hudbu.  Hudobné kategórie dopĺňajú aj štýly ako glam rock, punk rock, reggae, rap a hip hop. Jednou z najviac zásobených hudobných kategírií je hard rock a heavy metal.  

Nákupný košík

Počet kusov: 0 Celková cena:
0,00 €


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