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- zadajte priezvisko a meno, napr. GOMBITOVA MARIKA, alebo AC/DC


Concord Records (Universal Music)


VARIOUS Concert For George (Limited Edition)

Dodacia lehota
15 dní
Cena s DPH

Detailný popis:

Je nám ľúto, ale titul bol bohužiaľ kvôli ukončeniu vydavateľských práv vydavateľom vyradený z distribúcie.


1. Sarve Shaam (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Chorus, Concert For George
2. Your Eyes (Sitar Solo) (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Shankar, Anoushka
3. The Inner Light (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Lynne, Jeff
4. Arpan (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Shankar, Anoushka

1. I Want To Tell You (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Lynne, Jeff
2. If I Needed Someone (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Clapton, Eric
3. Old Brown Shoe (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Brooker, Gary
4. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth) (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Lynne, Jeff
5. Beware Of Darkness (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Clapton, Eric
6. Here Comes The Sun (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Brown, Joe
7. That's The Way It Goes (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Brown, Joe
8. Taxman (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
9. I Need You (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
10. Handle With Care (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
11. Isn't It A Pity (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Preston, Billy
12. Photograph (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Starr, Ringo
13. Honey Don't (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Starr, Ringo
14. For You Blue (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - McCartney, Paul
15. Something (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - McCartney, Paul
16. All Things Must Pass (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - McCartney, Paul
17. While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - McCartney, Paul
18. My Sweet Lord (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Preston, Billy
19. Wah Wah (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Clapton, Eric
20. I'll See You In My Dreams (Live From Royal Albert Hall, London / 11-29-2002) - Brown, Joe

DVD1: Complete Concert
1. Menu / I'll See You In My Dreams (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Band, Eric Clapton &
2. Sarve Shaam (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Chorus, Concert For George
3. Your Eyes (Sitar Solo) (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Shankar, Anoushka
4. The Inner Light (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Lynne, Jeff
5. Arpan (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Shankar, Anoushka
6. Sit On My Face (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Python, Monty
7. The Lumberjack Song (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Python, Monty
8. I Want To Tell You (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Lynne, Jeff
9. If I Needed Someone (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Clapton, Eric
10. Credits / Old Brown Shoe (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Brooker, Gary
11. Credits / Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth) (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Lynne, Jeff
12. Beware Of Darkness (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Clapton, Eric
13. Here Comes The Sun (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Brown, Joe
14. That's The Way It Goes (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Brown, Joe
15. Horse To The Water (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Holland, Jools
16. Taxman (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
17. I Need You (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
18. Handle With Care (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
19. Isn't It A Pity (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Preston, Billy
20. Photograph (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Starr, Ringo
21. Honey Don't (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Starr, Ringo
22. For You Blue (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - McCartney, Paul
23. Something (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - McCartney, Paul
24. All Things Must Pass (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - McCartney, Paul
25. While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - McCartney, Paul
26. My Sweet Lord (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Preston, Billy
27. Wah Wah (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Clapton, Eric
28. I'll See You In My Dreams (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Brown, Joe
29. Credits (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Brooker, Gary

DVD2: Theatrical Version
1. Menu / I'll See You In My Dreams (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Band, Eric Clapton &
2. Sarve Shaam (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Chorus, Concert For George
3. I Want To Tell You (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Lynne, Jeff
4. If I Needed Someone (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Clapton, Eric
5. Taxman (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
6. Handle With Care (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
7. Photograph (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Starr, Ringo
8. Honey Don't (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Starr, Ringo
9. Sit On My Face (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Python, Monty
10. The Lumberjack Song (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Python, Monty
11. Here Comes The Sun (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Brown, Joe
12. Horse To The Water (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Holland, Jools
13. Beware Of Darkness (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Clapton, Eric
14. Isn't It A Pity (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Preston, Billy
15. For You Blue (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - McCartney, Paul
16. Something (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - McCartney, Paul
17. Arpan (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Shankar, Anoushka
18. The Inner Light (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Lynne, Jeff
19. My Sweet Lord (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Preston, Billy
20. All Things Must Pass (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - McCartney, Paul
21. While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - McCartney, Paul
22. I'll See You In My Dreams (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Brown, Joe
23. Credits / Old Brown Shoe (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Brooker, Gary
24. Credits / Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth) (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Lynne, Jeff
25. Ravi's Orchestra Rehearsals (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Shankar, Anoushka
26. Monty Python Backstage (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Python, Monty
27. George's Band Rehearsal (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Lynne, Jeff
28. Interviews With Musicians (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Harrison, Dhani
29. Interviews With Musicians (Live / Royal Albert Hall, London; 11-29-2002) - Harrison, Dhani

Eshop s hudbou z celého sveta

Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky hudobných nosičov z celého sveta na nosičoch od CD, cez DVD. až po blu-ray. V ponuke nájdete určite aj vášho obľúbeného interpréta, alebo skupinu. Nech už sa jedná o rockovú hudbu, pop, vážnu hudbu, operu, muzikály, soundtracky a filmovú hudbu, slovenskú a českú hudbu, alebo relaxačnú hudbu.  Hudobné kategórie dopĺňajú aj štýly ako glam rock, punk rock, reggae, rap a hip hop. Jednou z najviac zásobených hudobných kategírií je hard rock a heavy metal.  

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