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WAKEMAN RICK The Prog Years 1973 - 1977: Redux (Limited Box: 27 CD + 5 DVD)

Dodacia lehota
25 dní
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Here is some exciting news for those who pre-ordered Rick Wakeman’s “The Prog Years 1973-1977” CD+DVD box set: the expansive collection will now include 17 discs’ worth of never-before-released concert material totaling 300-plus minutes – or a whopping five hours – of live recordings all previously unreleased.

Now known as “The Prog Years: Redux,” the 32-disc box set is back in production, with a brand-new list of content and a new release date of 23rd February 2024. Explaining the decision to overhaul the collection at the 11th hour, compiler Rob Ayling says that he had a duty to do it for the fans:

“Totally out of the blue came a wave of previously unreleased concert recordings. I couldn’t believe it when I discovered them. I generally know what was recorded and what wasn’t – and then to find entire gigs from the 70s that had never before been released… I simply couldn’t ignore them! Especially if they got released later, the fans would rightly ask the question, why weren't these recordings in the ‘Prog Years’ ?

“It was a really tough decision to make, to stop a box set in full production. But it was also a no-brainer to remove releases which have already been available in different formats over the years and replace them with a trove of music no one will own.

“My feeling is that the true fans will already have most if not all of the previously planned ‘Prog Years’ content, like the Winterland Ballroom and Hammersmith Odeon shows. They have been officially available for years. Yet how many fans have Rick Wakeman’s full 1975 concert from Boston Music Hall, or the opening night of that year’s Japanese tour, with the orchestra, or the Montreux concert from 1979?

“The newly discovered material will replace these recordings in what we’re calling ‘The Prog Years: Redux,’ which now boasts over five hours of previously unreleased music! That, to me, is a game-changer. I know it means fans will have to wait a little longer to receive the box but given that it will contain these newly unearthed gems, I hope everyone will understand why I had to make this decision. I am convinced that everyone will enjoy the gigs as much as I do.

“I also want to thank everyone who has pre-ordered the release for their patience, and promise that it will be worth the wait when ‘The Prog Years: Redux’ lands on your doorstep!”

Detailný popis:

Rick Wakeman’s “The Prog Years: Redux” 32-Disc Box Set Available February 23, 2024!

Here is some exciting news for those who pre-ordered Rick Wakeman’s “The Prog Years 1973-1977” CD+DVD box set: the expansive collection will now include 17 discs’ worth of never-before-released concert material totaling 300-plus minutes – or a whopping five hours – of live recordings all previously unreleased.

Now known as “The Prog Years: Redux,” the 32-disc box set is back in production, with a brand-new list of content and a new release date of 23rd February 2024. Explaining the decision to overhaul the collection at the 11th hour, compiler Rob Ayling says that he had a duty to do it for the fans:

“Totally out of the blue came a wave of previously unreleased concert recordings. I couldn’t believe it when I discovered them. I generally know what was recorded and what wasn’t – and then to find entire gigs from the 70s that had never before been released… I simply couldn’t ignore them! Especially if they got released later, the fans would rightly ask the question, why weren't these recordings in the ‘Prog Years’ ?

“It was a really tough decision to make, to stop a box set in full production. But it was also a no-brainer to remove releases which have already been available in different formats over the years and replace them with a trove of music no one will own.

“My feeling is that the true fans will already have most if not all of the previously planned ‘Prog Years’ content, like the Winterland Ballroom and Hammersmith Odeon shows. They have been officially available for years. Yet how many fans have Rick Wakeman’s full 1975 concert from Boston Music Hall, or the opening night of that year’s Japanese tour, with the orchestra, or the Montreux concert from 1979?

“The newly discovered material will replace these recordings in what we’re calling ‘The Prog Years: Redux,’ which now boasts over five hours of previously unreleased music! That, to me, is a game-changer. I know it means fans will have to wait a little longer to receive the box but given that it will contain these newly unearthed gems, I hope everyone will understand why I had to make this decision. I am convinced that everyone will enjoy the gigs as much as I do.

“I also want to thank everyone who has pre-ordered the release for their patience, and promise that it will be worth the wait when ‘The Prog Years: Redux’ lands on your doorstep!”

The previously unreleased discs are:

1). The Six Wives… alternative versions
2). The Three Wives: Radio session, 27 February 1973
3). Boston Music Hall, Massachusetts, 10 October 1975, Part 1
4). Boston Music Hall, Massachusetts, 10 October 1975, Part 2
5). Missing Pieces and interviews
6). Apollo Theatre, Glasgow, Scotland, 7 May 1976
7). Koseinenkin Hall, Osaka, Japan, 21 January 1975, Part 1
8). Koseinenkin Hall, Osaka, Japan, 21 January 1975, Part 2
9). Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo, Japan, 16 January 1975, Part 1
10). Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo, Japan, 16 January 1975, Part 2
11). Live in Anaheim, 11 November 1975, Part 1
12). Live in Anaheim, 11 November 1975, Part 2
13). Reflections Of Winter (White Rock sessions), Part 1
14). Reflections Of Winter (White Rock sessions), Part 2
15). White Rock Original soundtrack music and FX soundtrack
16). Live From London 1979
17). Live at Montreux 1979

Previously released:

18). Live in Melbourne, 4th February 1975, Part 1*
19). Live in Melbourne, 4th February 1975, Part 2*
* this concert was previously released but in an edited form to fit on one CD. We are releasing the full concert, now fully remastered.

To purchase: https://www.musicglue.com/rick-wakeman-the-prog-years/

Eshop s hudbou z celého sveta

Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky hudobných nosičov z celého sveta na nosičoch od CD, cez DVD. až po blu-ray. V ponuke nájdete určite aj vášho obľúbeného interpréta, alebo skupinu. Nech už sa jedná o rockovú hudbu, pop, vážnu hudbu, operu, muzikály, soundtracky a filmovú hudbu, slovenskú a českú hudbu, alebo relaxačnú hudbu.  Hudobné kategórie dopĺňajú aj štýly ako glam rock, punk rock, reggae, rap a hip hop. Jednou z najviac zásobených hudobných kategírií je hard rock a heavy metal.  

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