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Yep Roc


WATCHHOUSE Blindfaller

Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH
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Lean in to Watchhouse’s album, Blindfaller, and it’s bound to happen. You’ll suddenly pick up on the power and devastation lurking in its quietude, the doom hiding beneath its unvarnished beauty. You’ll hear the way it magnifies the intimacy at the heart of the North Carolina duo’s music, as if they created their own musical language as they recorded it. “We talked about the feel of each song and pointed out loosely who was going to be taking solos, but it was mostly a lot of fresh takes, a lot of eye contact, and a lot of nods and weird winks,” says Andrew Marlin, who anchors the band with fellow multi-instrumentalist and singer Emily Frantz. As the duo’s songwriter, Marlin sharpens his lyrical prowess here, touching on broad themes of growing older and feeling helpless in a world torn by injustice. Sure, the album sounds classic, but it is rooted in the here and now of our daily headlines.

Detailný popis:


1. Hey Stranger
2. Wildfire
3. Picking Up Pieces
4. Lonesome Whistle
5. Echo
6. Cold Lover's Waltz
7. My Blinded Heart
8. Hard Travelin'
9. Gospel Shoes
10. Take This Heart of Gold

Eshop s hudbou z celého sveta

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Nákupný košík

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0,00 €


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