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Red House


WHITMORE SISTERS Ghost Stories (150gr. / White Purple Swirl Vinyl)

Dodacia lehota
25 dní
Cena s DPH
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Two of roots music’s most accomplished songwriter/instrumentalist/ vocalists, are releasing their first album together as The Whitmore sisters. Titled Ghost Stories, it’s inspired by the loss of family, friends, ex-boyfriends and — on the title track — people who died by police violence. These “ghosts” chose to appear right as Covid became entrenched — when live music evaporated and people were isolated from each other. Bonnie, whose four solo albums are all state-of-a-real-woman’s-heart jewels, decided to join sister Eleanor and her husband Chris Masterson in their Los Angeles closed circle for a break. Chris, who’s recorded four albums with his wife as The Mastersons, saw the visit as an opportunity to issue a mandate: If Bonnie was coming, it was time for the sisters to make a record. Not just an album, but “the album” — the musical inevitability that’s been simmering since a 22-year-old Eleanor was protecting her curly-headed 15-year-old sister at gigs in local bars. The Whitmore Sisters’ original songs, along with two covers — a song by their pal Aaron Lee Tasjan (“Big Heart Sick Mind” and “On the Wings of a Nightingale” (written by Paul McCartney for iconic siblings The Everly Brothers) was produced by Chris Masterson.

Detailný popis:

Whitmore Sisters
Ghost Stories

A1 Learn To Fly
A2 The Ballad Of Sissy & Porter
A3 Friends We Leave Behind
A4 Hurtin' For A Letdown
A5 Superficial World Of Love
B1 Big Heart Sick Mind
B2 Ghost Stories
B3 Ricky
B4 By Design
B5 On The Wings Of A Nightingale
B6 Greek Tragedy

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