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WOMACK TOMMY I Thought I Was Fine

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25 dní
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'I wanted to rock this time,' says the multi-talented musical and literary artist, and local Nashville hero, Tommy Womack, sitting making love to an early morning cup of coffee at Bongo Java in East Nashville, 'they've called me an Americana artist for over twenty years now, and it's a great important genre; I've got nothing against it. I've had a great time being part of the movement. But one day a while back, I had an epiphany. I thought, hey, I hate dobros anymore! And if I hear another song about a train in the key of G, somebody's gonna get hurt.' ' 'I Thought I Was Fine' has more in common with the Replacements than 'Car Wheels on a Gravel Road,'' Womack continues as the caffeine begins to kick in, 'It's up-tempo, and sometimes totally in your face. Look, I'm 58 years old, I nearly died in a car accident on the way to a gig in 2015, I've beaten back cancer three times since 2017. I've seen musician friends of mind die before they hit my age, so I want to go back to my first love, rock and roll, while I still have time.' Womack enjoys a tremendous affection in Nashville and some among the rest of the world, for his (often intensely personal) songs that are sometimes funny, sometimes sad, and have been noted by journalists and fans of having songs able to raise laughter and tears within the same song. From 1985-1992, he played in the legendary post-punk college radio darlings Government Cheese. Then came the bis-quits, from '92 to '94, who did a critically acclaimed record for Jon Prine's 'Oh Boy!.' Womack has also written several books, his first band, 'Cheese Chronicles', is a cult classic among both musicians and fans.

Detailný popis:

Womack, Tommy
I Thought I Was Fine

1. Pay It Forward 4:26
2. I Thought I Was Fine 3:28
3. A Little Bit of Sex Part 2 3:32
4. I Got No Place To Go 2:34
5. Call Me Gary 2:18
6. That Lucky Old Sun 2:11
7. You Don't Get Over Love 3:11
8. It's All About Me 3:14
9. I Do 3:01
10. Miss Otis Regrets 3:31
11. Job Hunting While Depressed 2:26
12. The Story of Waymond & Lou 2:20
13. I Wish I'd Known You Better 2:59

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