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Earache Records


WORMROT Dirge (Digipak, Reissue)

Hard`n Heavy
Dodacia lehota
15 dní
Cena s DPH
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Wormrot's 2011 follow-up to 'Abuse' is about as far from "the difficult second album" as you can get, presenting an even more refined, stream-lined and dynamic take on their ferocious grindcore sound. Whipping past in less than eighteen and a half minutes, there's not a second wasted here whatsoever, and the trio's musicianship has been honed to perfection. The blastbeats are even faster, the riffs even heavier and vocalist Arif deploys an even wider array of shrieks, grunts, growls and barks this time. Whilst the addition of new drummer Vijesh in 2015 would take the band to even greater heights, this is arguably the original lineup's defining statement.

Detailný popis:


1 No One Gives A Shit 0:43
2 Compulsive Disposition 1:02
3 All Go No Emo 0:24
4 Public Display Of Infection 1:00
5 Overpowered Violence 0:39
6 Semiconscious Godsize Dumbass 0:31
7 Spot A Pathetic 0:34
8 Evolved Into Nothing 0:43
9 Butt Krieg Is Showing 0:49
10 Fucking Fierce So What 0:04
11 Ferocious Bombardment 0:35
12 Principle Of The Puppet Warfare 1:02
13 Deceased Occupation 1:26
14 Waste Of Time 0:41
15 Stench Of Ignorance 0:29
16 Meteor To The Face 0:38
17 Addicts Of Misery 0:37
18 You Suffer But Why Is It My Problem 0:04
19 Erased Existence 0:42
20 Back Stabber Mission Aborted 0:41
21 Destruct The Bastards 0:10
22 Plunged Into Illusions 0:33
23 Manipulation 0:56
24 A Dead Issue 1:07
25 The Final Insult 1:48

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