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Reprise Records (Warner)


YOUNG NEIL Neil Young Archives Vol. 1 (1963 - 1972)

Dodacia lehota
15 dní
Cena s DPH
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The start of a musician's career is not only an intriguing collection of what happened, but maybe even more important is a gaze into what their future might hold. With musical artist Neil Young, Archives Vol. I: 1963-1972 offers the sounds of his first decade, but just as importantly holds a light on the future of what's to come. Young's world of sound and spirit remains a never-ending adventure. It starts here. Spanning eight CDs, the set features 137 tracks, Vol. I is the first in a series of archival boxed sets and was originally released in 2009.

Detailný popis:

Young, Neil
Archives Vol. I (1963-1972)

- 1 -
1. Aurora - the Squires
2. The Sultan - the Squires
3. I Wonder - the Squires
4. Mustang - the Squires
5. I'll Love You Forever - the Squires
6. T Cry - the Squires
7. Hello Lonely Woman - Neil Young & Comrie Smith
8. Casting Me Away From You - Neil Young & Comrie Smith
9. There Goes My Babe - Neil Young & Comrie Smith
10. Sugar Mountain - Neil Young
11. Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing - Neil Young
12. Runaround Babe - Neil Young
13. The Ballad of Peggy Grover - Neil Young
14. The Rent is Always Due - Neil Young
15. Extra, Extra - Neil Young
16. Flying On the Ground is Wrong - Neil Young
17. Burned - Buffalo Springfield
18. Out of My Mind - Buffalo Springfield
19. Down, Down, Down - Neil Young
20. Kahuna Sunset - Buffalo Springfield
21. Mr. Soul - Buffalo Springfield
22. Sell Out - Buffalo Springfield
23. Down To the Wire - Neil Young
24. Expecting To Fly - Buffalo Springfield
25. Slowly Burning - Neil Young
26. One More Sign - Neil Young
27. Broken Arrow - Buffalo Springfield
28. I Am a Child - Buffalo Springfield
- 2 -
1. Everybody Knows This is Nowhere - Neil Young
2. The Loner - Neil Young
3. Birds - Neil Young
4. What Did You Do To My Life? - Neil Young
5. The Last Trip To Tulsa - Neil Young
6. Here We Are In the Years - Neil Young
7. I've Been Waiting For You - Neil Young
8. The Old Laughing Lady - Neil Young
9. I've Loved Her So Long - Neil Young
10. Sugar Mountain - Neil Young
11. Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing - Neil Young
12. Down By the River - Neil Young With Crazy Horse
13. Cowgirl In the Sand - Neil Young With Crazy Horse
14. Everybody Knows This is Nowhere - Neil Young With Crazy Hors
- 3 -
1. Sugar Mountain - Neil Young
2. The Old Laughing Lady - Neil Young
3. Flying On the Ground is Wrong - Neil Young
4. On the Way Home - Neil Young
5. I've Loved Her So Long - Neil Young
6. I Am a Child - Neil Young
7. 1956 Bubblegum Disaster - Neil Young
8. The Last Trip To Tulsa - Neil Young
9. Broken Arrow - Neil Young
10. Whiskey Boot Hill - Neil Young
11. Expecting To Fly - Neil Young
- 4 -
1. Cinnamon Girl - Neil Young With Crazy Horse
2. Running Dry (Requiem For the Rockets) - Neil Young With Craz
3. Round and Round (It Won't Be Long) - Neil Young With Crazy H
4. Oh Lonesome Me - Neil Young With Crazy Horse
5. Birds - Neil Young With Crazy Horse
6. Everybody's Alone - Neil Young With Crazy Horse
7. I Believe In You - Neil Young With Crazy Horse
8. Sea of Madness Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
9. Dance Dance Dance - Neil Young With Crazy Horse
10. Country Girl Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
11. Helpless Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
12. It Might Have Been - Neil Young With Crazy Horse
- 5 -
1. Everybody Knows This is Nowhere
2. Winterlong
3. Down By the River
4. Wonderin'
5. Come On Baby Let's Go Downtown
6. Cowgirl In the Sand
- 6 -
1. Tell Me Why - Neil Young
2. After the Gold Rush - Neil Young
3. Only Love Can Break Your Heart - Neil Young
4. Wonderin' - Neil Young
5. Don't Let It Bring You Down - Neil Young
6. Cripple Creek Ferry - Neil Young
7. Southern Man - Neil Young
8. Till the Morning Comes - Neil Young
9. When You Dance, I Can Really Love - Neil Young With Crazy Ho
10. Ohio Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
11. Only Love Can Break Your Heart Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
12. Tell Me Why Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
13. Music is Love David Crosby, Graham Nash & - Neil Young
14. See the Sky About To Rain - Neil Young
- 7 -
1. On the Way Home
2. Tell Me Why
3. Old Man
4. Journey Through the Past
5. Helpless
6. Love In Mind
7. A Man Needs a Maid/Heart of Gold (Suite)
8. Cowgirl In the Sand
9. Don't Let It Bring You Down
10. There's a World
11. Bad Fog of Loneliness
12. The Needle and the Damage Done
13. Ohio
14. See the Sky About To Rain
15. Down By the River
16. Dance Dance Dance
17. I Am a Child
- 8 -
1. Heart of Gold - Neil Young
2. The Needle and the Damage Done - Neil Young
3. Bad Fog of Loneliness - Neil Young With the Stray Gators
4. Old Man - Neil Young With the Stray Gators
5. Heart of Gold - Neil Young With the Stray Gators
6. Dance Dance Dance - Neil Young
7. A Man Needs a Maid - Neil Young With the London Symphony Orc
8. Harvest - Neil Young With the Stray Gators
9. Journey Through the Past - Neil Young With the Stray Gators
10. Are You Ready For the Country? - Neil Young With the Stray G
11. Alabama - Neil Young With the Stray Gators
12. Words (Between the Lines of Age) - Neil Young With the Stray
13. Soldier - Neil Young
14. War Song - Neil Young & Graham Nash With the Stray Gators

Eshop s hudbou z celého sveta

Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky hudobných nosičov z celého sveta na nosičoch od CD, cez DVD. až po blu-ray. V ponuke nájdete určite aj vášho obľúbeného interpréta, alebo skupinu. Nech už sa jedná o rockovú hudbu, pop, vážnu hudbu, operu, muzikály, soundtracky a filmovú hudbu, slovenskú a českú hudbu, alebo relaxačnú hudbu.  Hudobné kategórie dopĺňajú aj štýly ako glam rock, punk rock, reggae, rap a hip hop. Jednou z najviac zásobených hudobných kategírií je hard rock a heavy metal.  

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